Terri Gold
3rd Place - Honor of Distinction
"Kushti Wrestlers in Delhi"
Indian wrestling isn't just a sport - it's an ancient subculture where wrestlers live and train together at Guru Hanuman’s Kushti Akhara (a traditional Indian mud pit wrestling arena). We will all lose when ancient skills are forgotten. Traditions and rituals are our connections to the past and they are our future as well. As a “visual archeologist” I am interested in capturing these last moments in the rich tapestry of tribal life.
Biography: Terri Gold is an award-winning photographer known for her poetic infrared imagery of people from the remote corners of the globe. Her ongoing body of work Still Points in a Turning World explores our universal cross-cultural truths: the importance of family, community, ritual and the amazing diversity of its expression. Terri's work has garnered many awards, shown in galleries internationally and published extensively. She had a solo exhibition at the Salomon Arts Gallery in New York (2019), and a recent article and conversation about her work can be found on The Street Photography Magazine.