Jack Dzamba (Dziamba)
Most photocubism is simply a slicing up of a photo and re-assembling it as different prisms, sort of like a wedge from a kaleidoscope. Cubism, however, as developed by Picasso and Braque, used different angles, proportions, perspectives, and materials to form the composition. In my work with Cubism I try to use the Picasso/Braque technique. For instance, 'Melissa,' is a collage of one of my images from the 'Torso' series overlaid on a magazine advertisement.
Biography: Jack Dziamba (Dziamba) is principal photographer and president of Icron Image International, Inc., a company devoted to fine are photography. He has won numerous awards for his work. Among them is the award for his Cubist image, Melissa,� in B&W, which was presented with the 7th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Nomination [link: in the Professional Fashion category at the prestigious Nomination & Winners PhotoShow. The awards Jury included judges from National Geographic, and the Tate Gallery, London.
Also, his image, �Melissa� this time in color, won First Place, for...