Silhouette - Professional

Manoosh the Boatman

David Gould


"Manoosh the Boatman"
Manoosh the boatman who works ferrying passengers across the Yamuna river in India stands waiting for a fare as the sun sets in the distance. I was taking images of the reflection of the Taj Mahal when Manoosh came across the river to see if I needed a ride. He made the perfect subject As I raised my camera He said "Take my photo" I obliged, and am very happy I did ! I returned 5 years later to give Manoosh a copy. And there he was sat by the Taj Mahal waiting for a fare. Mamiya 645.

Biography: I live in South East London with my partner and son. My passion for photography started with travelling and volunteering in India, South America and Australia. In 2011 my photograph of a young boy wading across the Yamuna River in India won the Royal Academy of the Arts Eyewitness Photography competition. During that time I was working as a freelance photojournalist in London covering a wide range of stories. More recently I have focused on long-form documentary and street photography projects. Please visit my website linked.

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