Dennis Mecham USA 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement "Parasols 9" |
Jatin Kampani India 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence "Fashion04" |
Hernan Rodriguez USA 3rd Place - Honor of Distinction "Darkvelvet" |
Caesar Lima USA Honorable Mention "white face" |
Jeff Tse USA Honorable Mention "Clara" |
someone to blowme UK Honorable Mention "Amber2" |
AJ Raina India Nominee "High Maintenance" |
Al Rubin USA Nominee "cover" |
Al Rubin USA Nominee "aldara" |
Andrea Klarin UK Nominee "smoke" |
Andrea D'Aquino Germany Nominee "Shine" |
Andrea D'Aquino Germany Nominee "Hair Head" |
andreas schatzl Austria Nominee "just simple" |
Benjamin Kaufmann UK Nominee "Fashion01" |
Brigitte Kroone Netherlands Nominee "Carnevale di Venezia II" |
Bruce DeBoer USA Nominee "Italian Farm" |
Danilo Piccioni Canada Nominee "Venetian_Glove" |
daussin alain Belgium Nominee "5" |
David Cuerdon USA Nominee "Fly Girl Close Up" |
David Finnegan Australia Nominee "Autonomy01" |
Deborah Roffel Netherlands Nominee "firmly caught" |
Elli Ioannou France Nominee "akeer" |
Federico Mastrianni USA Nominee "Aussie Rachael Murphy-America's Most Smartest Model-VH1" |
Heinz Baumann Switzerland Nominee "Hollywood" |
Hera Bell Canada Nominee "The Temptation" |
Hernan Rodriguez USA Nominee "Feathers" |
Hugh Hamilton USA Nominee "Healamonster" |
Jatin Kampani India Nominee "Hourglass" |
Jatin Kampani India Nominee "Checkered" |
Jatin Kampani India Nominee "Awakening" |
Jatin Kampani India Nominee "Ballet" |
Jatin Kampani India Nominee "Bohemia" |
Jatin Kampani India Nominee "Fashion 01" |
Jeff Tse USA Nominee "Payton" |
Leo Lam USA Nominee "Glance" |
Lies Davidse Netherlands Nominee "Excellence" |
Lina Reinsbakken Norway Nominee "1" |
Lukas Renlund UK Nominee "Graphoscapes" |
Maria Lankina USA Nominee "Lolita 2" |
Michael Creagh USA Nominee "AIR" |
Peggy Sirota USA Nominee "Rockers Kids" |
Peter Endersbee Australia Nominee "Bird Woman" |
Preston Chaplin USA Nominee "Erin" |
Preston Chaplin USA Nominee "heels" |
Preston Chaplin USA Nominee "erinb" |
Rob Waymen Canada Nominee "Quatro" |
someone to blowme UK Nominee "Amber1" |
Werner Branz Austria Nominee "04" |
Werner Branz Austria Nominee "05" |
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