Roberto De Mitri Italy 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement "De Fall" Hasselblad 501CM, black and white negative film, medium format, digital double exposure. |
Volker Kesting Netherlands 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence "Pulse" |
Christoph Oberenzer Germany 3rd Place - Honor of Distinction "Powerlines" |
Linda Jarrett New Zealand Honorable Mention "Any Which Way" |
Mihai Florea Australia Honorable Mention "Arcology1" |
Massimiliano Balo' UK Honorable Mention "Transizione" A gondolier passing trough a bridge in Venice. |
Mauro Boiteux Brazil Honorable Mention "Open Cage" |
Christoph Oberenzer Germany Honorable Mention "Plates Composition " |
Paul Hetzel USA Honorable Mention "Solar System" Rock detail Boulder, Utah |
Bill Motley USA Honorable Mention "Saute Pan Light" |
Amr El-shafei USA Honorable Mention "Bushy" |
Betsy Feick USA Honorable Mention "No title (2)" |
Robert Pendleton USA Honorable Mention "Escher's Place" Enhanced Digital Image, Oceanside, CA. |
Alexander Kamakaev Russia Honorable Mention "Scribble" |
Lilyan Aloma USA Honorable Mention "A Classic" Eighth Avenue and West 22nd Street, New York City, Digital Image |
Antero Wallinus-Rinne Norway Honorable Mention "Cloning" |
Susan Hillyard USA Honorable Mention "Spiral" iPhoneography |
Cindy Bosveld Australia Honorable Mention "Endless" This is one of my favourite place for Sunset Landscape - I always wanted to capture something very simple when the tide is low the sky was plain with Long Exposure of 90 seconds. |
Tanja Kuic USA Honorable Mention "Bird Uncaged" |
Remi Joseph d'Argent Australia Honorable Mention "Mirage Chasers" love the textures in these tile in a hotel lobby and waited patiently for some proper dressed guest |
Bob Neiman USA Honorable Mention "New World Symphony HK 0435" This image was taken at New World Symphony Hall in Miami Beach |
Jay Bransfield USA Honorable Mention "Puddle Reflection" |
Robert Hewgley USA Honorable Mention "Aria Nite" |
Stephanie E'amato USA Honorable Mention "Stone Garden" Taken at Freeway Park in Seattle with a Canon EOS 1Ds MarkII with a 300mm lens. |
Leonardo de Cesaris Italy Honorable Mention "Pier" Master Pier in Sardinia |
Amanda Harner USA Nominee "Weekend" |
Amanda Harner USA Nominee "Wired" |
Andre Kurenbach Germany Nominee "man and machine #3" detail of a historic steam compressor in a disused coking plant in the Ruhr area in Germany |
Anne Marie Walters UK Nominee "Beauty of Decay" |
Anne Marie Walters UK Nominee "Leaf Sculpture" |
Antero Wallinus-Rinne Norway Nominee "The Visitor" |
Arlene Vidor USA Nominee "TV Age 2" |
Betsy Feick USA Nominee "No title (1)" |
Betty De Oliveira South Africa Nominee "Paris Street" |
Bob St-Cyr Canada Nominee "Ogden Walk" Long Exposure at Ogden Point made with my 4x5 pinhole camera |
Carolyn Knorr USA Nominee "Angels Wings" She looked up and saw her sister ascend to heaven. |
Christian Meermann Germany Nominee "Topographic" The chest of a rhino, photographed and processed to resemble the areal view of a rugged landscape. |
Christoph Oberenzer Germany Nominee "Lightpoints" |
Christoph Oberenzer Germany Nominee "Water Spiral" |
Cindy Bosveld Australia Nominee "Peace, Hope & Love" The Peace of Mind after a busy day and relax watching the Waves at my favourite place for sunset Landscape. |
Corey Anka Australia Nominee "Obscured" Looking through the Glass in Chicago |
Diane Kaye USA Nominee "Dune Goddess" Darkroom Solarization |
Diane Kaye USA Nominee "Spontaneous Dance" |
Don Jacobson USA Nominee "Dry Lake" Dry Lake, Nevada |
Don Jacobson USA Nominee "Wahkeena Ice 1" |
Don Jacobson USA Nominee "Highway Ice" |
Doron Ambar Israel Nominee "BLACK BOAT" |
Doron Ambar Israel Nominee "BLACK&WHITE BOATS" |
Doroth�e Rapp Germany Nominee "Immerse" |
EJ Ray An Canada Nominee "Longing III" |
Emo Gene Canada Nominee "Inside the Exterior" Single exposure. Looking through reflections on glass exterior to view the interior stairwell. |
Emo Gene Canada Nominee "Art Gallery of Alberta" Single exposure. Reflections partially mask interior view. |
Emre Turan Turkey Nominee "What is Real?" taken in izmir at sunrise;a photo studio window with a lot of reflections but which one is real ? |
Eunice Vasques Brazil Nominee "When We Remember a Famous Painting" It is a tribute to Michelangelo and The Creation of Adam |
Hans Bauer Germany Nominee "Skyscrapers" |
Harriet Dye USA Nominee "Curves" |
Jean-Marc Felix Switzerland Nominee "Scotch Tapes 2" Photo from the series "Sponges" by Swiss artist Dora Freiermuth |
Jeannine Mullan USA Nominee "Infinitely Smooth" |
Jeff Olson USA Nominee "The Conversation" |
Jeff Moore USA Nominee "Berlin Monument" A jewish monument in Berlin |
Jeff Moore USA Nominee "Spatula of tree" A well groomed tree. |
Joe Youssef USA Nominee "Man in Space" abstract of future travel to space |
John Alfano USA Nominee "Waterlines 01" |
John Alfano USA Nominee "Waterlines 11" |
John Alfano USA Nominee "Waterlines 14" |
John Alfano USA Nominee "Waterlines 16" |
Joseph O'Neill USA Nominee "Windows" |
Juan Vindel Nicaragua Nominee "Song of Autumn in the Springtime, Rubén Darío" Gelatine Silver print & photogram, part of the triptych: '' Hypnagogic '' |
Judith Ebenstein USA Nominee "Ice Pond IV" Influenced by Gregor Morandi, I sought a mirror of the world in the limits of an ice encrusted pond. |
Karen Lawton New Zealand Nominee "Alien (1)" |
Karen Michaels USA Nominee "Confusing Times" A visual interpretation of the physical symptoms, felt by many, during these uncertain times. |
Karim Carella Italy Nominee "Rolling" |
Keith Ellul Malta Nominee "City Nights2" Life in a silent city by night. |
Klaus-Juergen Roericht Switzerland Nominee "Dream Flower 1" |
Klaus-Juergen Roericht Switzerland Nominee "Dream Flower 2" |
Kumkum Prakash Selvaraju India Nominee "Artistic patterns" Artistic patterns around the evolution of life. |
Lauren Golden USA Nominee "Harlem-125th" |
Leonid Goldin Israel Nominee "Every second" 2015 year |
Lilyan Aloma USA Nominee "When Food is Fast" Broadway and West 50th Street, New York City, Digital Image |
Linda Jarrett New Zealand Nominee "Discontinuity" |
Linda Treleaven Canada Nominee "Forest Burn" |
Liz Hardley New Zealand Nominee "Entrances and Exits" |
Manfred Schroeder Switzerland Nominee "Affection" |
Manss Aval USA Nominee "Cyclops" |
Manss Aval USA Nominee "Caligraphy" |
Marc Hodel Switzerland Nominee "Staircase" external staircase with shadow from the roof |
Marc Lacharite Canada Nominee "Whirlwind Rubbers" |
Marianne Côté Canada Nominee "The Giant" Carlsbad caverns |
Maryellen Aoibhell Stewart Australia Nominee "Bird of Paradise Blooming" The photograph imitates the idea, like a fanciful flower imitating a bird. |
Massimiliano Balo' UK Nominee "Throught The Night" |
Massimiliano Balo' UK Nominee "Are You With Me?" |
Massimiliano Balo' UK Nominee "Viaggi Astrali" Number VI of a series of works entitled "Viaggi Astrali". "Astral Travel" is an Abstract of an out-of-body experience. |
Mathew Oldershaw UK Nominee "Movement of Water over Rock" |
Michael J Locke UK Nominee "Glasgow Puddle" |
Michael J Locke UK Nominee "Frozen Coastline" |
Michael O.A. Klapper Germany Nominee "Spaghetti" |
Mihai Florea Australia Nominee "Arcology2" |
Mimmi Moretti Italy Nominee "Milan Abstract" |
Narotam Badgotra India Nominee "Envision" Never ending Imagination! |
Newton More USA Nominee "Angleirons" 360 -degree pinhole, paper negative contact print. |
Paul Hetzel USA Nominee "Petroglyphs On Rock Wall" Petroglyphs Documenting Native American Tragedy In Canyon de Chelly |
Paul Wainwright USA Nominee "Untitled - Image 153K" Light painting using a pendulum and an LED, on 4x5 sheet film, silver gelatin print |
Paul Wainwright USA Nominee "Untitled - Image 160G" Light painting using a pendulum and an LED, on 4x5 sheet film, silver gelatin print |
Paul Hetzel USA Nominee "Shades of Gray" Juxtaposition of light, shadow and shape |
Poul Helt Denmark Nominee "Linjer" |
Remigijus Scerbauskas Lithuania Nominee "Nu Urban" |
Rene Wouters Netherlands Nominee "Mirror Dance" Arnhem the Netherlands. |
Robert Hewgley USA Nominee "Valentino II" |
Roberto De Mitri Italy Nominee "Come la sabbia, l'orlo nel cielo si perde" Hasselblad 501CM, black and white negative film, medium format, long exposure, tripod. |
Roberto De Mitri Italy Nominee "Gauja" Hasselblad 501CM, black and white negative film, medium format, long exposure, tripod. |
Roberto De Mitri Italy Nominee "Sisyphus" 35mm, black and white negative film, double exposure. |
Roberto Messina Italy Nominee "Tree Man" This is a pinhole shot. the trees, a man helped my creativity.Camera: Zero Image 69 6x6 (diaphram: 230 film: efke 25 iso exposure time 9 secs) |
Roberto Alessandrini Italy Nominee "In the Wrong Place" A red fish in a drip?????? |
Romina Johnston Australia Nominee "The Art of the Old, Tree Section" |
Ron Smith Australia Nominee "Shadows" Mesh sun shades on city office building |
Rosario Civello Italy Nominee "Snow Shapes #5" |
Sheila P Morrison Canada Nominee "Burning the Cane Field 2" Burning the sugar cane fields before sunset. Taken from a moving car, Maui, HI, USA |
Shifra Levyathan Israel Nominee "The Bird" |
Shirley Land USA Nominee "Suspended" |
Susan Jacobs USA Nominee "Streaming" from the series, Household Cosmology |
Susan Jacobs USA Nominee "Swath" from the series, Household Cosmology |
Tami B. Sojka USA Nominee "Vanishing Oak" Fort Ord - Vanishing Oaks Series |
tamsin green UK Nominee "The Neva" Astana, Kazakhstan, 2012 |
Tim Lucas Australia Nominee "Naturally Formed" A seal, naturally formed from ice rolling around Jokulsarlon Beach - Iceland |
TL Khong Malaysia Nominee "Convergence" |
Vadim Linetskiy UK Nominee "Residential Suprematism 1" Moscow loft projections |
Valerie Franc USA Nominee "Horse with Tux" I recently discovered a spot in the Snoqualmie river where the reflection of rocks in the water make |
Volker Kesting Netherlands Nominee "Striation" Detail of a lamp shade made up of irregular sheets of paper |
Volker Kesting Netherlands Nominee "Nebulae" Air inclusions and colour streaks in glass |
Wes Pettus USA Nominee "Wake Forms" I loved the contrast between the smoothness of most of the image and how it seems to explode in the center. |
Zahra Tarkhan Iran Nominee "Near the window" when you are calling yourself ! |
zheng cheng China (PRC) Nominee "Light" light |
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